M. Ward - The First Time I Ran Away

Essa letra é muito lindaaa, e vale a pena prestar atenção ao vídeo.

The first time I ran away I saw
Faces in the trees, I heard
Voices in the storm
They say
Uh, uh...
(by the waterfall)
Uh, uh...

The second time I ran away I saw
Warriors on the train catching
Tigers by the tail
They say
Uh, uh...
Uh, uh...

Cause when they look at you as if you were a stranger
The way they talk to you as if you were a child
(by the waterfall)

Last time I ran away, well I hope it is with you
Let me show you where to run
Uh, uh...
Uh, uh...

*Canal do Youtube: M. Ward
*Página do Facebook: M. Ward
*Site Oficial: www.mwardmusic.com

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